Each of the CRHS academies is open to students from the Cumberland Regional constituent districts of Deerfield, Fairfield, Greenwich, Hopewell with Shiloh, Stow Creek, and Upper Deerfield. Students should apply to these academies during eighth grade by submitting an application through the student's current school's Guidance Office, online, or by contacting Mrs. Bonnie Powers at CRHS (powers@crhsd.org / 856-451-9400, ext. 259).
CRHS freshmen who complete the Dramatic Arts and Public Speaking course during ninth grade may apply to the Dramatic Arts Academy at the end of freshman year. However, enrollment for the Agriculture, Biomedical, Business, IT, Justice Studies, and STEM academies is open only to incoming freshmen at CRHS. In addition, out-of-district students (students who do not reside in one of the Cumberland Regional constituent districts) may apply to the Agriculture Academy through the Interdistrict Public School Choice program.