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This livestream may contain content that includes r behavior that may involve profanity or unsportsmanlike conduct. The Cumberland Regional School District (CRSD) endeavors to provide a platform for open dialogue and engagement, but does not endorse or condone any inappropriate language or behavior.

Please be advised that the views expressed by individuals participating in the livestream do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Cumberland Regional School District. CRSD is not responsible for the content posted by users during the livestream.

Viewers are encouraged to exercise discretion and maintain a respectful and inclusive atmosphere in the chat or comment section. The Cumberland Regional School District assumes no liability for any comments, actions, or behavior displayed by individuals participating in the livestream.

By accessing and participating in this livestream, viewers acknowledge that they are responsible for their own contributions and adhere to community standards. The Cumberland Regional School District reserves the right to moderate and remove any content that violates its guidelines or policies.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.