Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements
In order to receive a High School diploma from the State and CRHS, a student must have the following:
Testing/Assessment Requirements
Please click here to view graduation testing requirements.
Course Work Requirements
Students need 120 credits to graduate.
20 credits Language Arts
15 credits Math
15 credits Science
15 credits Social Studies
1 PE/Health class for every year enrolled at CRHS (3.75 credits a year)
5 credits in Foreign Language
5 credits in Fine/Performing Arts
5 credits in 21st Century Life & Careers
2.5 credits of Financial Literacy (may be part of another class credits)
Electives as determined by the high school program sufficient to total a minimum of 120 credits.
Technological literacy is infused throughout the curriculum and instruction. Requirements may be satisfied through elective choices in grades 9-12.
Grading Policy
Report cards and interim progress reports are issued four (4) times a year in accordance with the timetable published annually. Teacher evaluate students using numerical grades. The alpha (letter) symbols for the numerical grades are listed below:
A - 90-100 Superior
B - 80-89 Above Average
C - 70-79 Average
D - 60-69 Below Average
F - 50-59 Failing
P - Passing
I - Incomplete
M - Medical (PE Only)
WF - Withdrawal/Failing
WP - Withdrawal/Passing
Standards for Promotion
In order to be considered in the following grade levels, the students must have previously earned the indicated amount of credits:
Grade 10 - 30 credits
Grade 11 - 60 credits
Grade 12 - 90 credits
Graduation - 120 credits
Grade level adjustments for grades 9 through 11 will only be made at the end of the school year.
For more information regarding graduation requirements, please see the 2024-2025 Course Catalog.